Terre Rouge 1

Mousse, mousse: My job is to konya escort bayan wave this leafy twig to goose flies away. Jay rolls out sweet potato pills, we pinch the paste into coconut patties, Ashna noshes ice-cream, Dev fries, shakes the wok, smoke shutters the carport, The trick is not putting the fire too high. He scoops out crispy […]

L’herbe Sauvage

Jay drove me to the farm where konya karatay esc the family were from. It wasn’t far, the weather wasn’t too grey. I asked him for papaya. He broke the old tree reaching some for me. Crossed rows of sugar cane, (the harvest had finished so there wasn’t much to see) to a well, overgrown […]


Kiran and I stay in karatay escort bayan her mother’s old home. Like a little wattle and daub Tudor house, it’s made from beams from the mountain, and painted white, roofed in corrugated iron sheeting. Her mother and father built this harbour with the oldest children. Dev, second son, carried the longest log. Last night […]

Elliot in Oxford

In dark corners I whispered to you Nobody had to hear And in the sandy grey of Oxford I bled the konya eskort bayan lines of Elliott Whilst he sang them, softly with a tear

Cold Mirror

Well you’re whisper’s turning cold And I guess that this is good To put it all konya eskort bayan behind Like a well-adjusted person should No longer do I see your breath on the mirror Hard to believe I ever could But I’d been meaning to put it all behind Like an unaffected person would […]

Blunt Sevens

High standards just don’t cut it Not if you can’t cut it Like blunt scissors, you carry on roughly Half heartedly Aimlessly in the dark Not knowing where you’ll get to No one to light your way Life’s a blown out candle Life’s a broken boat on the sea And there’s always Elliott Even if […]

Piano Lake

The melody is a breeze, taking me away Ripples are black piano konya eskort keys; wind on water for the dark day

Morning Flower

10:27 I am awoken by a firm knock at the door A man in UPS has come to pick up my broken contraption I forget I had arranged this before 10:54 I speak to a silly girl who lives in the same house as I We both wear a guard but escort konya when she […]

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